Mittelalterliches Spektakulum Angelbachtal


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Mittelalterliches Spekatakulum Angelbachtal 10.-11.08.2024

Second weekend in August belongs to the knights

On August 10th and 11th 2024 the Eichtersheim chateau park will once again turn into a medieval fairground. The Angelbachtal Medieval Fayre and Knightly Tournament offers a truly historical atmosphere with marketeers, minstrels, travelling artists, and many other medieval personnel.

Childhood dreams come true, when the knights in shining armor mount their chargers and break their lances. Twice daily the medieval tournament brings medieval chivalry back to life!

Perhaps less chivalrous, but no less exciting are the swordfights the "Wuerzburger Greifenpack" sets up twice a day for the great joy of visitors both young and old.

Viatores Aetatis”, “Aves Peregrina”, “Knights of Hammerstein” or “Gladius Equites” are some of the more fancy names of groups that will add to the atmosphere with their tents and banners, their historical furniture, their colourful attire, and many a charming detail. Their members re-enact camp life of the 10th, 12th, or 14th centuries, demonstrate ancient and almost forgotten crafts or household skills, orchestrate a middle age fashion show, or display ancient European fighting styles with swords, bucklers, shields, and spears. And twice per day, the knights ride out for a state-of-the-art tournament with jousting, tent-pegging, and many more a truly knightly sport!

Loads of show and entertainment!

Twice daily the knights will ride to compete in the tournament. There will be battle trainings and shows of arms, medieval crafts on display, jugglers, a puppet theatre, hand driven carousels, and musical entertainment.

No one has to go hungry either, for on every corner visitors will be faced with mouth-watering smells and tastes! Children can make their own paper, or ride one of the hand driven carousels.

The Medieval Fayre and Knightly Tournament in Angelbachtal offers two days full of shows, activities, and entertainment for the whole family!